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Top Positive Review for %s on Banggood, Shop best %s with lowest price on Banggood. Browse most helpful positive review for %s before you buy., rc toys, fun sports, fashion, popular electronics
BG103645445 03/09/2021
this site is a real scam , don't buy anything here , I told fake item and no customer service
Comments (5)
  • Banggood Dear Customer, Thank you for placing an order on Banggood and we hope you will enjoy the products you bought. All products of Banggood purchased from eligible suppliers, the quality of the products are guaranteed. If you have any suggestions or require our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via these links: Personal Computer: Best regards, Banggood Team

  • BG852141201 non ti e arrivato?

    Reply 21/10/2021
  • BG534038175 Non tie arrivato?

    Reply 09/02/2022
  • Sumasianboi then why leave a 5 star review?

    Reply 19/08/2022
  • Gennaro se non sei in grado di metterti in contatto non è colpa loro,sei tu che sarai sottosviluppato! Io ho acquistato un monopattino dalla Cina e durante la lunga attesa ho potuto colloquiare con la cinesina che molto gentilmente mi ha tranquillizzato e pure dopo l'arrivo del mezzo,mi ha assistito per dei problemini che assieme abbiamo risolto per me N'1👍

    Reply 14/09/2022
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