Zeta FX-61 Phantom FPV Flying Wing EPO 1550mm Wingspan RC Airplane Kit
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The FX61 is a pretty good piece of flying wing, easy to fly and very tough, especially when you use some protective tape on all front edges. It's cruise speed id about 50-60km/h with a 3542 1000kv motor, 10x6 prop and 3S battery. I use two 4000mAh packs in parallel to fly it and the bungee launch with a rubber band is an easy and safe way to send this bird flying. Now I ordered my second one FX, because my old one is about 2 years old and is pretty beat up.
I received this FX 61 w/o motor and servo. I installed my previous 3536 910KV with 10/7 propeller and 30A ESC. The servos are 9gr metal gear from banggod and work v good. 40A ESC would be better. There is enough place inside the fuse to put all the electronic at many places. I use as recommended a 3S-4400mA baterry. In order to match the GC the battery was installed in front of the fuse just behind the camera . I recommend to use a separate battery for receiver and servo because the BEC of my ESC failed when motor turned at high current for take off which cause a crash (-: . With those big elevons I recommend also to set the D/R of your radio to 55% as well as for elevator function. It gives you enough control and smooth turn . The FX-61 can fly with high speed and also with low speed thanks to its big surface. The flight duration was about 15 min till 37% of battery capacity. The weight of my config is 1320 gr.