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BG504432351 22/07/2021
I really like this esc. it works great. it’s very responsive. doesn’t get hot. cooling fan is very powerful. using in my bezgar 1 with 2845 3100kv racerstar. has tons of power definitely buy another.
Comments (6)
  • vaggos961 Hey how did you fit the motor wires into the esc. I have the same size motor and same esc but motor's wires are too small to plug in the esc for some reason

    Reply 25/07/2021
  • BG504432351 Sorry I wanted to mention all this in my review but I didn’t have space. Not sure why they only allow 200 character reviews! Hope these pics help. You will need a soldering iron 14 or 16g silicone wire (I used 16g), 3.5mm and 4mm bullets. These smaller motors come with 3.5mm connectors while 60amp esc’s have the 4mm. Hope this helps! Any other questions don’t hesitate to ask

    Reply 06/08/2021
  • vaggos961 Great thanks for the info

    Reply 08/08/2021
  • BG504432351 No problem happy I could help

    Reply 10/08/2021
  • BG428813438 Boa noite posso usar no Meu q901 porque eu comprei um desses motores 2845 5900kv mais eu acho que ESC original não aguentou

    Reply 05/06/2022
  • Marco320 It is possible but it won’t be a direct fit. You will need to mount it to the center brace. or you will need to make a platform for it in the original esc location to mount it on. Only problem with that is it will be hanging over the side of the body a little. I haven’t used this in my Q but that’s what I would if I did. It’s worth a shot. It’s a nice esc. Really powerful for a little 60A

    Reply 21/06/2022
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