
Q: What is the table of performance, Power (Watts) to wind speed (m/s)?

Asked by BG357532111 on 2021-11-11 05:56:47

BG617250193 I'm just a potential customer, but the way I interpret the specs, this will generate 200W at 12m per s. 💩

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Q: can it bind to radio master tx16s ??

Asked by BG454815199 on 2022-05-27 18:58:21

BG617250193 different tech? Tell that to the CAA! Around here, the same draconian rules are applied to any machine without an onboard pilot, no matter the tech.

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BG617250193 @Tinks: There are exactly NO 18650's. There's a cheap 2S LiPo pack. Li ion cells like the 18650 are much more expensive, and can't deliver enough current for this application. and the only power electronics are the MOSFET drivers. The most expensive component is probably the solid copper bus bar. 🤷‍♂️

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BG617250193 It's NOT a GPS tracker! It's a Bluetooth crowd tracking device. Likely, with a crowd of one. So, pretty useless.

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BG617250193 I'm no expert, but I think the bulb design is the same. However, I think the keying for the bulbs are rotated slightly in LHD headlights, so the resulting beam pattern is horizontal on the right, and slanted on the left side. I could be mistaken, but using the same standard bulb for both RHD and LHD vehicles makes perfect sense to me, whereas operating with different bulbs within the same standard (eg. H4) does not.

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Q: how to programm the pump?

Asked by RcFox on 2018-02-23 03:06:59

wdaniel The description is misleading. It's a 4-channel slave pump, meant to be controlled by a similar pump with a built-in controller. The manual and the ad description concerns that device, not the one on sale here.🤨

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Q: are these dimmable?

Asked by postyp on 2017-11-10 07:52:54

wdaniel Sounds a bit rude, but I think "Emily" is simply chinese, and has only a basic understanding of the english language. "Dear valued customer" doesn't sound like she intends to come off as rude in any way, shape or form.

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